Junior Club Season – Week 1
Log into the Basketball Connect App:
- In the bottom right corner, click on ‘…More’.
- At the top of the screen – ‘Switch Profile’
- Choose your player’s Name.
- Then go back to the ‘Home’ Page – you will see the 1st game for your player.
The draw is also attached.
If you have not registered your player yet, you have missed the deadline for them to appear on a team for this week’s games and will need to wait until next week to be added.
Please note – not ALL team requests could be granted – we have done our best, but also need to make sure the competition is fair for everyone.
Teams will be adjusted over Weeks 1 – 3 to balance out teams where needed AND add new/late registrations.
Week 4 onwards, teams will be locked in – and changes made by ‘exception’ only.
Players are to arrive 15 mins before their game, check the court they are on & jersey colour (the 1st named team on the draw will wear black). The Game Clock will start on-time for each round.
Club Jerseys MUST be worn – if you don’t have a club jersey, please see the team to purchase one on the night. (Rep Jerseys are not to be worn).
Predominately black shorts with no pockets must be worn.
If you have purchased a jersey online it will be available for collection at your playing venue.
Each team MUST provide 1 person to do score bench every game.
We ask that parents help with these duties, if we don’t have someone on the score bench, the game will run without scoring.
If you need help, we have volunteers on hand that can show you what to do.
There is also a score bench course being held on the 3rd February for anyone interested, please email scorebench@uscbasketball.com.au
Players must play in 75% of club games to be eligible to play representative basketball and State Championships. Rip City will be monitoring If a player misses two consecutive club games without a valid reason, they will miss the next round of representative basketball.
So, it’s crystal clear, if you don’t play club you won’t be eligible to play rep.
Here are the issues created by players not playing club:
- They are letting their club teammates down who do turn up each week to play.
- They bring the club team standard down.
- They are denying other club players the chance to get better by playing against rep standard players.
- They let their rep team mates down because they are not allowed to play rep ball.
The domestic club competition is the foundation of any basketball association, without it we don’t have representative basketball. The stronger our club competitions are the stronger our representative teams become, and our association will continue to achieve far better standards.
If you know in advance that your player will be away, please email us on: office@uscbasketball.com.au
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